Dashboard: Attitudes and Engagement in Germany in January 2021

This Dashboard, published in Janaury 2021, updates data around public engagement and attitudes and Germany.

Key insights:

  • Changes for behavioural engagement in Germany from October 2020 to January 2021 are small and overall negative. However, only two changes are statistically significant: the number of people who discussed news has decreased by 6% to 46% and the number of people who have purchased or boycotted products has decreased by 3% to 17%.
  • The number of donors has increased across all DEL countries, but only the change in the UK is statistically significant. We observed a similar peak 12 months ago and are monitoring the increase for seasonality effects.
  • Global diseases and pandemics is the issue most respondents are personally concerned about (49%). Concern has also increased significantly for economic crises since October 2020 (+5% to 36%) and decreased for migration and refugees (-8% to 32%) and war, conflict and terrorism (-4% to 29%).
  • Respondents are significantly more convinced by arguments for using aid to tackle terrorism (+5% to 37%).
  • Attitudinal engagement and perceived efficacy has not changed significantly since October 2020.
  • Levels of support for aid spending have not changed significantly across all countries.
